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Testimonial – Sarah Richards

Member of FUSM since 2012

My name is Sarah Richards and I have been attending FUSM since 2010. I became a member in 2012.  I love First Church because of its mission and values; the beautiful music; the spiritual and intellectual nourishment it provides; the religious education opportunities for my kids; the social justice priorities; the opportunities to share my time and talents; the supportive community; and the sense of belonging and connection that I feel through the church. FUSM has incredibly dedicated staff and clergy, steady leadership, and a regular practice of humility and humor! 

The Forge Our Future campaign is about building upon a legacy that was created by our forebears.  It is about courageously taking on a challenge during a difficult time in our world and doing so together.  The campaign encourages us to acknowledge our past and more recent challenges; and it is an inspiring call to action to keep FUSM relevant and thriving. 

I am grateful to those with whom I’ve visited – the reconnection and renewal of relationships has been very fulfilling.  I have appreciated everyone’s honesty and openness, and I have enjoyed listening to their joys and concerns, answering their questions, and encouraging their participation in this campaign. 

My experiences at First Church have included serving on the Children’s Religious Education team; teaching and assisting in RE; playing drums/percussion in the House Band and jazz combo; serving as a Pastoral Care Associate and a PCA Co-Trainer; participating in the DRE search process for Rev. Kimberlee; co-facilitating a Beloved Conversations group; getting trained as an OWL Facilitator; serving on the Anti-Racism team; and now as a member of the Board of Trustees and the Steering Committee for the Forge Our Future campaign. 

I agreed to support this effort because of the need for ALL of us to be involved in whatever way we are able.  When I was asked to be a visitor, I had to step outside of my comfort zone — I have never been very comfortable asking people to give money to anything!  But what I am comfortable with is building relationships, listening to people’s stories, and being curious about their lives.  I have faith in this process, and I understand that the goal and the process are about more than raising money.  I truly believe that this campaign is about re-engaging with every member of our church, renewing relationships within our community, and informing church members about the incredible opportunity we have to build a sustainable future based on collective generosity!