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Social Justice

The Future of our Seven Principles

Do you know the Seven Principles of Unitarian Universalism may be revised?

The Seven Principles are part of our Living Tradition, a covenant and statement from the merger of the Universalist Church of America and the American Unitarian Association in 1961. In creating the UUA bylaws, the merger process created a covenant that the member congregations would affirm and promote the Seven Principles in Article II.

Concerns were brought forth at the 2017 General Assembly (GA) that the Seven Principles had not been updated regularly as planned and may not address our commitment to anti-racism, anti-oppression, and multiculturalism. The UUA Board of Trustees appointed a Study Commission in 2019 to review the principles section of the bylaws and propose revisions through a lens of love in action.

That proposal will be submitted in January 2022 and may be voted on at GA 2022. It will soon be time for our congregation to examine our values and determine whether they align with any proposed revisions, because our delegates to GA may be called upon to participate in a vote that would have lasting impact on our church community.

Stay tuned! We will be sharing more and encouraging conversations on this important topic

Michelle Boehm, Rollie Hanson, and Terry Wiggins of the 7 Principles Future Team

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