Learn about First Church Security and Community Care,  July 14 – 19.

Click HERE for details.

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The Greeter Lectern Is Calling You!

Our beautiful Greeter Lectern, designed and built by member Pete Hill, is calling to you! Are you someone who enjoys smiling, saying “good morning,” and talking to guests at church? Perhaps you’d like to volunteer at our Greeter Lectern in the main hallway on Sunday mornings.

The role is fun and easy! Show up fifteen to twenty minutes before service begins on Sunday, pull the lectern into place, and get ready to offer a hearty hello, personal connection, nametags and basic information about our church (like how to find the nearest restroom, water fountain, door to the sanctuary, and where to connect with children’s religious education).

We are down a few staff people, so we need to open this lovely opportunity to our members. Please contact Steve Sieck, our Ministerial Intern, or Rev. Dena, if you are interested and we will get you signed up with much gratitude and joy.

Rev. Dena McPhetres
Associate Minister

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