Our annual pledge drive will kick-off on February 2. Our 2025 Pledge Team invites you to consider how First Church helps you kindle the fire in your heart by reflecting on these Chalice Lighting words written by Rev. Laurel Sheridan:
Take from life its coals, not its ashes.
Fan the flames of love and justice;
join hands and hearts in common endeavor;
and there will be no limit to what we can achieve together.
One way we all help fan the flame is by making an annual pledge to financially support First Church. Our annual pledges are the primary source of income to support essential church operations and enable us to come together, to fan the flames of peace, love and justice within one another, our community and the world.
Our annual Pledge Drive will run from February 2 through March 2, and you will be hearing more from us in worship and church communications, inviting you to make your pledge. Please review the pledge materials we send out in January, so you are ready to pledge during our pledge drive. Our budget planning process relies on the results of our annual Pledge Drive. By timely submitting your pledge before March 2, you will ease the workload of your fellow members on the Pledge Team and ensure that your pledge is included in our projected income for the coming church year.
Every pledge matters and is gratefully received.
Adam Zaiger, Pledge Team member
Testimonial by Benedict LeFort
In a sermon not too long ago, Rev. Jennifer shared research that consistently shows that strong social connections can significantly contribute to our wellbeing. First Church is one of the places I rely on to connect with a caring, intentional community of seekers like myself. It’s impossible to put a price on that, but I’d encourage you to support our community as much as you can. First Church is more important now than ever!