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Forge Our Future

Trustees Approved for the Endowment Fund

We’re excited to announce that three members of the congregation have been appointed by the Board of Trustees (BOT) to serve as the initial trustees of the First Unitarian Society of Milwaukee Endowment Fund. They are Dave Becker, Ron Oshima, and Betty Schroeder. They were appointed by the Board after a thorough search and vetting process by the Nominating Committee.

Dave brings extensive experience in business management at GE. Ron and Betty both have banking backgrounds – Ron in product management and marketing, and Betty in finance. All are long-time members of First Church and have served on either the Finance or Investment Committees. Profiles of each trustee will be presented in next month’s issue of the Chanticleer.

Once the Trust Agreement is finalized and has been executed by the President of the Congregation and the three newly appointed trustees, we will file an application with the Internal Revenue Service to have the Trust certified as a 501c(3) (because it is a separate entity from First Church, it does not automatically qualify as tax-exempt).

Looking ahead, we’ll be working with the BOT to develop a plan to communicate the key aspects of the Trust Agreement to our congregation.

Ron Oshima, Endowment Fund Task Force Member


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