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Social Justice

Turkeys and Hams and Sides, Oh My!

INTERCHANGE FOOD PANTRY is holding a Holiday Dinner Drive, as pantry guest numbers—and food prices—are soaring. Can you help make a holiday dinner happen?

Two ways you can help:

  1. Donate to our “1,000 Turkeys and Hams” drive. Each $25 donated will provide a turkey or ham to feed a family of 4-6. (You can’t imagine the look of gratitude and joy on people’s faces when they receive a whole turkey or ham!) To make a tax-deductible donation, visit https://www.gofundme.com/f/interchange-food-pantry-holiday-dinner-drive or scan the QR code below with your phone.
  2. Bring on the sides! Starting Sunday, October 30, please bring in donations for our accompanying “Seven Sides” drive. We need:
  • cranberry sauce*
  • green beans*
  • mushroom soup*
  • yams/sweet potatoes*
  • pineapples*
  • jarred gravy
  • boxed/bagged stuffing


Collection barrels are outside the Sanctuary door near the Leenhouts Common Room.

We’ll run both drives until the Sunday before Christmas, but please start donating now! We start distributing holiday foods November 1 and each family comes to the pantry only once per month. We’re hoping to help 1,000 local families put a festive Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner on the table this holiday season. We’re truly grateful for any help you can provide.

Beth Bruch, First Church Interchange Food Pantry Rep

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