Learn about First Church Security and Community Care,  July 14 – 19.

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UU Wellspring Coming in August

What is UU Wellspring?

Participants in UU Wellspring find spiritual transformation as they explore the historical and theological roots of Unitarian Universalism, reflect on their own spiritual understandings, and engage in spiritual practice.

UU Wellspring is a unique 10-month small group program offered online or in person in Unitarian Universalist settings. The twice a month, 2-hour sessions offer participants an opportunity for spiritual deepening that leads to more joyful living, increased congregational leadership, and faithful justice making in their lives and in their communities.

UU Wellspring gives spiritual power to UU communities that will sustain and strengthen UU identity and justice work.

The program achieves this through 5 essential components:

  1. Small group connections
  2. Daily spiritual practices
  3. Spiritual direction/companionship
  4. Deeper knowledge of UU history and theology
  5. Putting UU faith into action

Who Is UU Wellspring For?

Are you looking for deeply engaging, heart-opening experiences to build your UU Identity and deepen your UU faith?

You may have participated in entry level or shorter-term programming and you are ready to explore your spirituality in a covenanted small group community.

Lay leaders and religious leaders alike find UU Wellspring to be the experience that sustains their work for justice, brings joy to their lives, and inspires work in their Unitarian Universalist communities.

What Can I Expect During the Program?

Practice (Daily): For the duration of the program, each participant chooses and commits to a spiritual practice to follow every day.

  • Spiritual Companionship (1x a Month):Each participant sees a spiritual companion outside of the sessions to process even more deeply what is coming up for them in UU Wellspring and in their daily lives.
  • Small Group Community (2x a Month):Regular attendance in the sessions develops sacred spaces that create a container to hold our learning and experiences.
  • Resources (2x a Month):The facilitator sends links to short readings, video clips and other resources before each session. Participants commit to spending 1-3 hours reading and reflecting in journals in the two-week period between sessions.
  • Transformation (As Called): In each session, the question “so what?” is asked to transform our thoughts and experiences into faithful action.

How Can I Learn More About UU Wellspring?

Contact one of the members of our First Church UU Wellspring Launch team before July 15, 2021:

We look forward to hearing from you!

You can also explore the UU Wellspring website, especially the content related to the Sources program. We will use the Sources program in the upcoming church year, beginning with an online retreat Saturday, August 14, 2021.  Sources is a pre-requisite to other UU Wellspring programs, which we may offer in the future.  Check out this link:

SourcesTOC.pdf (uuwellspring.org)