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Social Justice

Volunteer Helping Stop Lead Poisoning

The Coalition on Lead Emergency (COLE) would love to have more volunteers from First Church. This became evident in a recent review of Earth Justice Ministry’s relationship with the organization. The question was, “If you could wave a magic wand, what is one wish would you want from First Church?” and their answer was, “having more people from First Church involved.”

COLE has many opportunities for working toward the vision of Milwaukee being an environment where each known source of lead poisoning is eliminated. See the COLE website to get an idea of the areas in which the organization works. There are many ways to offer your time, talent, or treasure. Contact Terry Wiggins, EJM’s liaison to COLE, for more information.

Though our name does not yet appear on the COLE website, Earth Justice Ministry is becoming a member of this coalition.

Terry Wiggins, Earth Justice Ministry

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