Ways to Give
Give to First Unitarian Society of Milwaukee
Thank you so much for your generosity. Pledges are the core of our church’s spiritual practice of generosity. We are also grateful for additional gifts to support our ministry from the folks out there who appreciate our online ministry. Your financial support helps us continue to provide it.
Two ways to give to First Church:
Text giving: Send a text to 73256 with the message Give2UU
Visit this simple, secure giving form.
Click on the down arrow on the “fund” line to choose pledge giving or non-pledge giving.
Give to our Share the Plate Partner for January:
Forward Scholars
To give to Forward Scholars, click here.
Forward Scholars is a community volunteer tutoring program that is focused on helping K-3rd graders who are not yet reading at grade level. Initiated by Common Ground, a 15-year-old community organizing group with a track record of success in a number of areas, tutors are serving more than 180 MPS students in 7 schools this school year. In 2022, the first year of the program, the tutored students gained an average of two grade levels in reading accuracy and fluency after eight months of tutoring. The program is flourishing and plans to grow for the 2024-2025 school year. You can learn more at www.forwardscholars.org
Volunteer opportunities for tutors are available and volunteers are welcome.
In the past, Milwaukee Public Schools has been a source of financial support for the program. Forward Scholars is currently relying on donations to keep the program operating. Please give generously.
Donations are gratefully received during services or at https://onrealm.org/FUSM/-/form/give/2STP
Contribute securely online at this link, or mail or bring your check to First Church made payable to: Forward Scholars. We’ll forward all contributions to them. Donations are also accepted during the church service.