Ways to Give
Give to First Unitarian Society of Milwaukee
Thank you so much for your generosity. Pledges are the core of our church’s spiritual practice of generosity. We are also grateful for additional gifts to support our ministry from the folks out there who appreciate our online ministry. Your financial support helps us continue to provide it.
Two ways to give to First Church:
Text giving: Send a text to 73256 with the message Give2UU
Visit this simple, secure giving form.
Click on the down arrow on the “fund” line to choose pledge giving or non-pledge giving.
Give to our Share the Plate Partner for February:
Environmental Youth Collaborative
To give to Environmental Youth Collaborative, click here.
The Environmental Youth Collaborative is composed of thirteen environmental youth-serving organizations that collectively employ over 125 youth each summer at an estimated total of 20,000 hours of youth employment. The programs offered combine racial justice and environmental justice throughout the thirteen organizations. Their programming spans Southeastern Wisconsin including the City of Milwaukee. Each organization’s mission is unique and, when brought together, represents a strong diversity of programming in arts, engineering, stewardship, community development, education, social equity, and more.
Green careers are historically white-centered and white-filled. The Environmental Youth Collaborative employs young people from undervalued communities in order to provide experiences in environmentally centered organizations, leading to improved access to fulfilling careers in the field. Learn more at https://www.eycmke.org
Donations are gratefully received during services or at https://onrealm.org/FUSM/-/form/give/2STP
Contribute securely online at this link, or mail or bring your check to First Church made payable to: Reflo with “Environmental Youth Collaborative” in the memo line. We’ll forward all contributions to them. Donations are also accepted during the church service.