Learn about First Church Security and Community Care,  July 14 – 19.

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Annual Pledge Drive

Annual Pledge Drive 2024 – Generosity Creates Community

Our First Church community depends on everyone’s generosity to thrive and grow. Our First Church community nurtures our spirits, forges meaningful and supportive connections, and challenges us to make a positive and lasting impact in our world. All of the worship, religious education, music, social justice and other programs you love and value are sustained by annual pledges.

Thanks to the generosity of our members, our Forge Our Future campaign last year successfully built an endowment whose investment income will provide an additional source of revenue to our annual budget.

This year, our pledge goal is to increase our annual pledge income by 10% to close our remaining income gap.

Help Close the Gap

Like many churches, we have a gap between our annual operating income and expenses. Over 2-3 years we plan to use the following 3 elements to close the gap:

  • Forge Our Future Endowment investment income will reduce the gap by 50% once all pledges are collected.
  • Expense reduction, including not replacing our Membership Development Coordinator, reduces the gap by 35%
  • Operating pledge increases of 10% will close the gap!

Pledge Now!

Please help us reach our goal and return your annual pledge on or before March 10 when we will close our pledge drive on Celebration Sunday. You can use this convenient web form: https://bit.ly/FUSM_Pledge   Or ask for a paper pledge form at the church.


What is a Pledge?

A pledge is a promise to donate money to the church within a 12-month period. Like many non-profit organizations, our Finance Team begins our budgeting process for the following fiscal year in the Spring. They base the budget on the commitments we make in the annual pledge drive. A pledge is a non-binding promise for how each of us want to support our community throughout the coming year. If unexpected financial challenges come up for your family during the year, please let us know and we will adjust your commitment per your instructions immediately.

Generosity as a Spiritual Practice

We think of generosity as a spiritual practice at First Church, a practice that opens our hearts and expands our joy. So ultimately, any pledge amount that is meaningful for you is appropriate and very much appreciated. We are also a community that relies almost completely on our members’ gifts to exist. So please consider the “ask” you’ve received in the mail and pledge joyfully.


If you are interested in automatic Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) on the 15th of each month, click here for the online form to submit your bank information in the encyrpted form. If you have questions contact Shari Wright.

For help with any of our giving options, please contact Shari Wright, Office Manager, by email or phone at (414) 273-5257 x207.