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Planned Giving

Heritage Society

The First Church Heritage Society recognizes those church members and friends who have committed themselves to include First Church in their wills and estate planning. They have provided for deferred gifts to the church through their wills, trusts, retirement accounts or insurance policies. Just as we inherited the wonderful church we so enjoy today, these generous deferred gifts will help ensure the vitality of First Church for generations to come.

Recognition of Heritage Society members includes the following:

  • Inclusion in the church’s official record book, the leather-bound Chronicle of the First Unitarian Society of Milwaukee, wherein we record dedications of children and parents, weddings and union ceremonies, funerals and memorial services, and deferred gift bequests.
  • Invitations to Heritage Society “thank you” receptions.
  • Receipt of the UUA’s quarterly InterConnections newsletter.
  • Optional Heritage Society logo on your church name tag.
  • Optional inclusion in our published list of Heritage Society members.

Individuals who bequeath $10,000 or more to First Church will be recognized on a Memorial Tablet in the northwest corner of the Sanctuary.

Enroll in the Heritage Society with this form:


Heritage Society

I/we have committed to include the First Unitarian Society of Milwaukee in my/our estate planning. I/we would like to enroll in the First Church Heritage Society.

Memorial Trust Fund

The Memorial Trust Fund was established in 1925 to recognize earlier and future bequests and reflects the powerful role First Church played in many lives. All contributions to this fund constitute a permanent fund. The principal of the fund is invested in interest-bearing securities and kept separate from the other funds of the congregation. The interest received from the securities is used for the current expenses of the congregation.

Planned Giving – Stewardship for the Future

  • Planned giving offers a variety of meaningful ways to support First Church and Unitarian Universalism through charitable gifts.
  • Planned gifts can be made by anyone – young and old, working or retired – even if your financial means are modest.
  • Planned gifts are adaptable for your personal and financial circumstances and needs.
  • Planned gifts are made today, but they support the future needs of First Church and Unitarian Universalism.

Advantages of Planned Giving

  • A planned gift can be the most significant gift you can make to First Church.
  • Some planned gifts provide immediate income tax advantages and possible future savings on estate taxes.
  • Certain gifts provide income to yourself and family over time while supporting First Church in the future.
  • You can be recognized for your deep and long-term commitment to an institution that shares your core values.

Gifts to Consider

  • Gifts by will: Bequests are simple and easy to make through your will or trust. You may consider a specific amount or a portion of any assets you do not leave to your heirs.
  • Retirement assets: IRAs, 401(k), 403(b), 457(b), and other retirement plans permit you to name First Church as a beneficiary or contingent beneficiary for assets remaining after your death.
  • Life insurance: You can name First Church as a beneficiary or contingent beneficiary on your life insurance.
  • Charitable gift annuities: Receive guaranteed income for life or a fixed term. What remains after your death is a gift to First Church. This type of annuity is provided by the Unitarian Universalist Association.

These planned gift opportunities offer flexible ways of giving as well as income tax and estate tax savings, depending on the type of gift and your financial circumstances. Because tax benefits vary with your specific circumstances, we advise consulting with an attorney, accountant, and/or your financial advisor.