Directions to First Church
Driving Directions
From the West
Off I-94, continue east on I-794 to the Van Buren exit. Follow Van Buren north to Ogden St. Turn right on Ogden and go three blocks east to Astor. Entrance is on Astor.
From North on I-43
Exit onto McKinley Ave and go east (left). Continue on McKinley to Dr. Martin Luther King Drive. (McKinley becomes Knapp St. at that point.) Continue on Knapp until it ends at Jefferson St. Go north (left) on Jefferson 1 block to Ogden. Go east (right) on Ogden to Astor. Entrance is on Astor.
From the South
Heading north to Milwaukee on I-43/I-94, continue onto I-43 northbound through the Marquette Interchange. Exit onto McKinley Blvd and go east (right). Continue on McKinley to Dr. Martin Luther King Drive. (McKinley becomes Knapp St. at that point.) Continue on Knapp until it ends at Jefferson St. Go north (left) on Jefferson 1 block to Ogden. Go east (right) on Ogden to Astor. Entrance is on Astor.
Parking on Sundays
Our church has no parking lot. Jewish Family Services lot: JFS welcomes us to use their parking lot on Sundays. It is located 3 blocks west of the church, on Van Buren near Knapp St. Kingshead lot: On Sundays we can also use the gated parking lot on the corner of Van Buren and Knapp Streets. After you park, get a token from an usher in order to exit the lot. We also rely on street parking in our neighborhood. Here is a handy map.
Alternative Transportation
The First Unitarian Society of Milwaukee is located on these Milwaukee County Transit bus lines: routes 14, 30, and 30X. We are a short distance from routes 15, Green Line, and Gold line. Please visit the Milwaukee County Transit website for more information. Another option is the Milwaukee Hop Streetcar, which stops at our church corner. We are also just two blocks off a major northbound off-street bike trail, and have a bicycle rack located on the north side of our building.
Summer Building Hours
Sundays: 9:00 am – 1:30 pm
Mon, Tues, Wed: 5:00 – 8:30 pm
Saturdays: 10:00 am – 2:30 pm
If your group is on the church calendar at any time, come ahead! Check this calendar on our website for your group.
If you’d like to access the building at some other time, please email first.church.office@uumilwaukee.org to set up an appointment.
Entrance is on Astor Street.
Severe Weather Closing on Sundays
We will be open and hold services whenever possible, however church services may be cancelled during weather emergencies. In the event of such an emergency, if the worship leader for that Sunday deems it appropriate to cancel church services, the church will list its cancellation on the church phone answering system, the church website, and Facebook page. We will also send an email to our e-nnouncements list.
In some instances, even if we do hold services, Religious Education classes may be cancelled. If RE classes are cancelled, we will try to have a group activity for K-seventh grade.