Learn about First Church Security and Community Care,  July 14 – 19.

Click HERE for details.

Pastoral Care Ministry

Life is hard sometimes. We experience sickness, job loss, broken hearts, and broken bodies. We want to support you through those difficult times.

Do you need a listening ear or a helping hand? We offer pastoral care for First Church members with varied needs.

Pastoral Care Associate – Services Available

We seek to support each other as we journey together through life’s mountains and valleys, through our personal and common sorrows and struggles. When you need a listening ear, because of:

  • a recent illness
  • an upcoming surgery
  • divorce
  • life transitions
  • job loss
  • death of a loved one

A Pastoral Care Associate is ready to be a gentle listener, if you choose. Contact Lynn Connolly, Pastoral Care Associate Coordinator.

Pastoral Care Associates currently serving:

Bob and Sue Austin
Lynn Connolly
Deborah Conta
Jean Groshek
Joan Hansen
Melinda Vernon
Kitty Willkomm

If you are interested in becoming a Pastoral Care Associate, you can find information here.

Pastoral Care Provider – Services Available

Volunteers are available to give rides or bring meals to other church members in need. When you need a helping hand, if:

  • you have a new baby and need a meal (or two or three)
  • you break your leg and need a ride to the doctor
  • you are coming home from the hospital and would appreciate a meal

A Pastoral Care Provider is ready to be helpful, if you choose. Contact Liz Irwin, Pastoral Care Provider Coordinator.

Become a Volunteer

First Church Members may volunteer as Pastoral Care Providers. Please contact Liz Irwin, if interested.