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Music & Art

What’s Up with the Drums and Gongs?


By Alissa Rhode, Lead Music Director


Music is a powerful medium which offers an opportunity for profound spiritual practice. One can engage deeply in the act of creating sound, or by intently listening to the sounds around us. When we sit in a drum circle and collectively play a rhythm, when we lie on cushions and feel the vibrations of a “heart gong” wash over us, the communal experience can be transformative, even the stuff of magic. In these times, when so many of us are devoting increased time and energy toward the pursuit of justice, we also have a deep need to rejuvenate, restore, and reenergize. Practicing self-care through music might even be considered a radical act.

For these reasons, the First Church Music Program is expanding our ministry and launching TWO exciting new opportunities to Nurture the Spirit through music as a spiritual practice. Each of these programs is led by a master musician and has the potential to continue at regular intervals, perhaps monthly or quarterly. If this speaks to you, please consider taking part in one (or both) of the following “test run” offerings and help make our program expansion a long-term reality.


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