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Social Justice

Wisconsin UU Action Network Forming

By Bruce Wiggins, Social Justice Council Chair

Are You Interested in social and political change on the state and local level? Several UU Congregations in our state are beginning to form a state action network like our neighboring states already have. Illinois, Michigan, Iowa, and Minnesota all have action networks with UUs banding together to focus on their state and local elected officials. Visit the Coalition of UU State Action Networks website to see all 22 of the states participating in the network. We are looking for a few people at First Church that would like to get involved with other UU congregations focused around policy in state and local government. The organization is called Wisconsin UU State Action Network (WUUSAN.) If you are interested, see me or Paul Stafford. Paul went to a meeting in September to discuss the formation of the network and how the group might make decisions about what issues to tackle.

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