Learn about First Church Security and Community Care,  July 14 – 19.

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Thanks for a Great Pledge Drive

Youth, Intention, Connection, Energy …and so much more… we want to remember, rekindle and renew as expressed on our Community Mosaic Project. It’s all directly supported by your generous pledge to First Church.

Not all pledges are in yet, but many thanks to you who were able to increase your commitment, you who renewed your pledge, and you who pledged what you could in a time of change. Our projected Pledge Campaign total of $750,000 remains steady, even after two years of not gathering in-person. This feels a little miraculous. Thank you!

If you are a member who has not yet pledged, please do so now at this link.


Please thank your creative, hardworking 2022 Pledge Drive Team: Mark Chambers, Chair, Bob Balderson, Matt Byrnes, Kathy Donius, Jeff Hansen and Pat McFarland. They deserve our appreciation!

Finally, if you are a friend or guest who values our services and programs and would like to support our operating budget in the coming year, please contact Lynne Jacoby at lynne.jacoby@uumilwaukee.org or 414.273.5257 x 205 about becoming a Pledging Friend.

Lynne Jacoby, Membership Development Coordinator

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