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Religious Education

A Source of Possibility-Religious Education

Our faith community is both a source and a place of possibility, so despite the constantly rotating restrictions this pandemic brings, we will continue to find a way forward and offer quality religious education for our families, children, and youth.

This fall, our Religious Education program will build on the wisdom gained from the past year and a half. We all have learned so much about creatively embracing the technology that allows us to actively connect at a safe distance. I am so grateful and proud of the way we have shared stories, song, wisdom, struggles, cooking, dancing, justice making, anti-racism education, and creating worship together. I continue to be delighted and relieved that there is learning and fun to be had in a Zoom Room. Our most successful programs will return, they include:

  • Early childhood classes for pre-kindergarten through second grade with Mariah Groshek and Lindsay Porter at 9:15 a.m. on Sundays.
  • Families Together is an intentional time of ministry to and with our families. We explore our faith monthly themes as we share and connect with one another, at 11:15-45 a.m. on Sundays led by Rev. Kimberlee.
  • Crossing Paths: Exploring religion and theology for 5th through 9th grade led by Rev. Kimberlee & Deb Solis.

In addition, I have sought out the knowledge and experience of our larger faith community, communicating with religious educators across the country to find the best resources available. This search has yielded some new opportunities that we will offer this fall, they include:

  • UU Wellspring for Youth (ages 14-19)
  • OWL: Parents and Caregivers as Sexuality Educators
  • UU Minecraft for upper elementary and middle school children

Also, we are working on creating in-person outside opportunities for families to gather together as our COVID Safety policy allows, such as the All-Ages Water Ritual on September 12. The RE Weekly Update will provide comprehensive information on content, registration, and all emerging pivoting possibilities.

Finally, I am so grateful to our First Church Staff who are also preparing and improving our religious education space at church. We are embracing the possibility of our real yet eventual return! Until then I look forward to seeing you online and at our water ritual September 12 at 1:00 p.m.!


Rev. Kimberlee Tomczak Carlson
Minister of Religious Education

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