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Religious Education

All About Youth: January Column From Youth Program Coordinator Deb Solis

Love is the way I walk in gratitude. – A Course in Miracles 

January is a very busy time for our youth at First Church. Check out highlights below. We will begin planning and preparing for our Annual Youth Service to take place on Sunday, March 6 and participating in our entire RE curriculum Black People Matter. As the new year arrives, I pause to reflect on the following words which we use in religious education as part of our chalice opening words which I hold dear:

It is a blessing to be.
It is a blessing to be here.
It is a blessing to be here now.
It is a blessing to be here now together.

Blessed Be,


Coming Soon to First Church Youth Programs:

“Selma” film viewing/discussion with YRUU & Pillars youth
Sunday, January 3 from 9 a.m. to noon in the Reeb Room
After viewing the 2014 movie directed by Ava DuVernay which documents the struggle for voting rights for African Americans between 1963 and 1965, our youth will follow a Youth-Friendly Discussion Guide which invites them to dive into what this film means for our faith and our society in the present day. Youth will be guided to explore the film and examine how it lifts up the everyday lives of the movement’s leaders and how Unitarian Universalist connections were made in 1965.


Eighth Grade OWL Graduation
January 10 at 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. services

Pillars (Ninth Grade) Mini Lock-in
Saturday, January 23 from 4:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m.
Our Pillars youth will meet over pizza and ice cream to share their thoughts on racial diversity in our society as they begin a block unit of study in RE on Black People Matter focus.

2016 Youth Mission Trip- Information Meeting
Sunday, January 24, 12:30 p.m. in the Reeb Room
Parents and interested youth are invited to attend this meeting that will describe the annual program working with Habitat for Humanity in Battle Creek, Michigan. This year’s trip will take place July 25-July 30. Participants must be at least sixteen years old by July 25 in order to participate. More information at the meeting! Application can be found online at https://uumilwaukee.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/2016-Youth-Mission-Trip-Application.pdf.

YRUU (Tenth-Twelfth Grade) Lessons of Loss Lock-In
Friday, January 29, 7:00 p.m. – Saturday, Jan. 30, 9:00 a.m.
Our YRUU youth will have an overnight at church with a discussion focus on loss in their lives on a personal, spiritual and global level. They will identify and define loss, discuss how they deal with loss and how they overcome loss as a young adult in today’s society.

For more information about any of these events, or Youth Programing, please contact our Youth Program Coordinator, Deb Solis at deb.solis@uumilwaukee.org.



Deb Solis is First Unitarian Society of Milwaukee’s Youth Program Coordinator.

First Unitarian Society of Milwaukee  is a home for spiritual community, social justice, and intellectual freedom, active in Milwaukee since 1842. Unitarian Universalism is an inclusive denomination; core principles include recognition of the worth and dignity of every person; respect for the interdependent web of existence; and the goal of world peace, liberty and justice.

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