Learn about First Church Security and Community Care,  July 14 – 19.

Click HERE for details.

My dear First Church, it is a delight to be joining you again after a beautiful, restorative sabbatical. I visited loved ones in the United States, and then went on a journey of learning and being in Europe. I saw the windmills in Kinderdijk, the tulips at the Keukenhof, and fulfilled my life-long dream of going to Paris. We have a full September ahead of us, so we’re waiting until early October to have a “Sabbatical Stories” session—join us then if you want to hear (and share) more!

In September, we’ll explore the gifts of welcome our Unitarian Universalist faith offers. On Ingathering Sunday, we will celebrate coming back together and welcome one another home to church! The next Sunday, September 17, we’ll have a water ceremony during worship, and practice welcoming one another and all people.

We will also welcome our new Ministerial Intern Steve Sieck, who will join us at the beginning of September—see Steve’s introductory article to learn more about him, and please give him a warm First Church welcome!

Our last September Sunday, September 24, we will welcome pulpit guest Rev. Nontombi Naomi Tutu, daughter of Desmond Tutu and Episcopal priest. Rev. Tutu grew up in South Africa and swore she would never be a priest. “I have my father’s nose,” she said, “I do not want his job.” But life had other plans and after years as a development consultant, race, and gender activist, she finally accepted her call to ministry. Rev. Tutu will also be our Morter Lecturer this year, sharing her thoughts about diversity’s strength and beauty on Saturday, September 23 at 3:00 p.m. Mark your calendars!

With love,
Rev. Jennifer Nordstrom, Senior Minister

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