Learn about First Church Security and Community Care,  July 14 – 19.

Click HERE for details.

Groups Directory

This is a directory of all First Church groups, from social and spiritually nurturing groups to teams that conduct the business of the church, with current contact information.

Whether engaging with Social Justice initiatives, serving on a church committee, volunteering at Sunday Services, or socializing with fellow members, there’s a group for just about every level of interest.

Have an idea for a new group? Please fill out the Member-Led Ministry Group Proposal Form and a staff person will respond to your application.

Group Name

Adult Spiritual Development programs at First Unitarian Society provide information and support to challenge and inspire adult learners along their path. Join this team to help bring these programs to First Church.   Learn More

The Book Discussion Group meets once a month on second Sundays from 1:00-3:00 p.m. This group has no “membership” requirement. We welcome readers at all or any discussion!   Learn More

We are a group of interested First Church members who wished to explore Buddhist teachings and meditation. We focus on a study of the Buddhist teachings of the three major traditions, Theravada, Zen and Tibetan, as presented by leading western teachers.   Learn More

A committee that organizes and promotes our excellent, long-running Sunday Morning Forum series.   Learn More

Believing in the necessity of people taking responsibility for their communities and working together, Irma Morter made a bequest to First Church in support of a lecture series on topics related to “Individual Responsibility”.    Learn More

Coordinates Pastoral Care Associates, members of our congregation whose talents, experience, and special training enable them to offer a listening ear to fellow members going through difficult times.   Learn More

Volunteers give rides or bring meals to other church members in need. For instance, when someone needs a helping hand if they have a new baby and need a meal or they break a leg and need a ride to the doctor.   Learn More

Listen, respond and rest with the words of selected poets and in the company of others in our community.   Learn More

In our Shawl Ministry program at First Church, members meet monthly to make shawls and lap robes to give to other members as a symbol of the gentle, caring embrace of our community.   Learn More

Provides organized silent retreats for members and friends of First Church, where attendees can reflect on where they are in life and where they are going.   Learn More

These small groups gather to focus on the monthly worship theme, exploring guided questions, and spiritual exercises. Led by a trained facilitator, circle members engage deep questions of spirituality, with time for reflection and sharing.   Learn More

Find spiritual transformation as you explore historical and theological roots of Unitarian Universalism, reflect on your own spiritual understandings, and engage in spiritual practice.   Learn More

Worship Associates are members who are moved and inspired by worship and want to contribute to the congregation’s depth of experience in the service.   Learn More