Buddhist Study Group – Gathering Waters Sangha

We focus on Buddhist teachings of the three major traditions, Theravada, Zen and Tibetan, as presented by leading western teachers.
We choose a book and discuss it chapter by chapter. Examples of the authors are Jack Kornfield, Pema Chodren, Charlette Beck, Thick Nhat Hanh, and Lama Sura Das.
The book discussion is followed by a period of meditation.
Join Us!
We meet on the first and third Wednesdays, September-July, at First Church from 6:30-8:00 p.m. Usually we have fellowship with tea and cookies after.
All are welcome to our meetings, beginners and experienced meditators. We listen to each other with interest and respect, as well as trust one another in sharing our journey. We learn compassion and caring for ourselves, as well as one another, and service to the needs of our community.
The name “Gathering Waters Sangha” represents not only Milwaukee as a gathering place of three rivers into what was one of the great estuaries of the Great Lakes, but our Unitarian Universalist tradition of gathering the Wisdom that guides us from many sources. Jeanne and Steve Lowry were ordained in the lineage of Thich Nhat Hanh, as members of his Order Of Interbeing, to serve the communities of mindfulness and the interest of peace and justice in the larger society.
Next Meeting
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