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Social Justice

Cottage Meetings: Attend and Speak Up So We Can Hear From You!

By Lorraine Jacobs & Kitty Willkomm, Co-Chairs, Immigration Issues Action Group

Almost every day this past year the news has reported on issues affecting immigrants. The First Unitarian Society of Milwaukee congregation can no longer wait to speak publicly on immigration, including deportation and providing sanctuary. We must take our stand on the support of our immigrant neighbors. We’re already late in the game. Immigrants and their families experience the effects of governmental processes and enforcements daily.

As co-chairs of the Immigration Issues Action Group, Kitty and I have established a path forward for immigrant support. Using the UUA New Sanctuary Tool Kit booklet, a Sanctuary Discernment Team was formed in spring. They have learned about sanctuary and deportation, met with staff, and became familiar with the congregation‘s physical capacity for committing to offering sanctuary for an immigrant facing eminent deportation.

Consider attending a Cottage Meeting held between October 1–November 5. You’ll hear about the accomplishments of the Sanctuary Discernment Team and the suggested recommendations for sanctuary support. An implementation time line will be explained. There will be plenty of time for your questions, concerns and to share your opinions. Cottage Meetings provide a vital link in the decision making chain. We must know what individual members of First Church consider regarding sanctuary support.

Schedules are available Sunday’s at the Social Justice Table and in a pocket on the Church News bulletin board in the main hallway. We will also be sending them via church e-mail lists. Contact Kitty at Kitesl@aol.com or Lorraine at jacobslm@sbcglobal.net.

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