We often practice our October theme, deep listening, in our church community. We listen to one another, to our deepest longings, and to silence. Most of all, we listen to the holy, as it comes through things like our communities’ voices, or music, or even the wind. 

The first weekend of this month, we have the pleasure of listening to Lea Morris, joybringer, singer-songwriter, and community music activist, who will be giving our 2024 Irma Morter lecture as part of our October 5 Climate Justice Revival and October 6 worship services. You might remember Lea from the many times she visited us as a virtual guest musician in worship and religious education during the pandemic. 

The second weekend of the month, we will honor Indigenous Peoples’ Day in worship on Sunday, October 13, followed by a 1:00 p.m. film screening of Bad River, about the Bad River Tribe’s fight to protect Lake Superior from the Enbridge pipeline. There will be a panel discussion afterwards with indigenous water protectors from Milwaukee and Bad River. 

As we move together in this final month before the November election, deep listening can help us connect. When we really listen to other people with respect and care, we build the kind of trust that creates change. All month, our social justice leaders will be hard at work Defending Democracy through voter registration, getting out the vote, and canvassing. 

As always, dear ones, we are in the work of change and the practice of love for the long haul. May we listen deeply to one another, to members of our community, and to our own souls this month, knowing that relationships of love and care change the world. 

With love,
Rev. Jennifer Nordstrom, Senior Minister

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