Learn about First Church Security and Community Care,  July 14 – 19.

Click HERE for details.

On my walk today, I found evidence of spring’s emergence–swelling buds on a magnolia tree, a song sparrow’s voice of celebration, snowdrops blooming, dog poop melting into the garden. Emergence reveals both the beauty and messiness of life.

What is emerging in our city, our church, your personal and professional life? Is it messy, beautiful, and transitory? Is it something you know is there, but can’t quite put your finger on? Something you see out of the corner of your eye or hear a familiar strain of music you can’t remember the name of? This time of year challenges us to trust that new life will emerge and to practice noticing it.

This time of year in my professional life, I notice new ideas and emerging leaders. Applications and proposals for new Worship Associates, Pastoral Care Associates and summer services get sifted and selected. The potential these new leaders and ideas bring are tender and promising.

After being your “rock” through the long years of Senior Minister Transition, I notice my “rock” identity rolling away and new life in ministry emerging. I’m moving with a planning team to create Theme Circles–small groups that will replace and significantly deepen what many of you know as Chalice Circles next fall. Theme Circles will offer space to deepen the experience of worship themes, reflect on their movement in our lives, and engage in different yet simple spiritual practices each month. Stay tuned for the upcoming big reveal!






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