Learn about First Church Security and Community Care,  July 14 – 19.

Click HERE for details.

Summer is upon us and we are so ready to be out and about playing under the warm sun! I’m looking forward to increasing the number of raised beds in my backyard to grow more vegetables. I’m also adding more pollinator-friendly native plants in the flower gardens, including digging up a 25 foot bed of densely and deeply rooted invasive plants. It seems never ending, this digging project. I have to remind myself to look skyward and take breaks—go for walks, watch the birds, and sing whatever song is in my head. Similar to what I need to do during the seemingly never-ending pandemic.

Due to the continuing moral imperative to keep our community safe from the spread of the COVID-19 virus, we will hold summer services online only for the entire summer. I hope you will join us for online worship each Sunday this summer at 9:00 a.m. only, beginning June 14. Bring your coffee and breakfast to the computer. When worship is over, there is still a long summer day to enjoy outdoors!

We have a great line-up of member-led services, including a couple of our home-grown seminarians, and a sermon from Kimberlee Tomczak Carlson, our gifted Director of Religious Education. Here are the teasers:

Paul Geenen “Learning from Milwaukee’s Bronzeville”
Omega Burckhardt “After the Pilgrimage”
Beth Monhollen “What We Owe the World”
Amy Wilbourne “Caring Bridge for a Caring Recovery”
Jeff Pearcy “And Then I Come Home: Sustaining Our Commitment to Social Justice”

Keep your eye on the Chanticleer newsletter, Ennouncements and Facebook posts to find out when these brave folks will be preaching. See you online!

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