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Social Justice

EJM Joins Plastic-Free Coalition

First Church Earth Justice Ministry (EJM) has joined the coalition Plastic-Free MKE which strives to reduce single-use plastic in our city. The Plastic-Free MKE mission is to reduce the harms that unnecessary plastics have on our environmental health, public health, and social justice. Keeping plastic from polluting our lakes and rivers is a major goal.

There are a variety of ways you can get involved, including volunteer, educational, and advocacy roles. See the website and Facebook Contact First Church member Pete Hill for more information.

Pledge to reduce your use of single-use plastic. Take the pledge on the website.

See their website to sign up for their newsletter and learn about events, monthly meetings, and more. The monthly newsletter has information on the plastics industry, local events, and volunteer opportunities. The website is now enlisting people to table and hand out literature at summer events.

Lake Friendly Business. One of the interesting initiatives is to recruit businesses, e.g., restaurants, to use less plastic. You can visit restaurants and stores on behalf of Plastic-Free MKE to sign them up, and learn about the Lake Friendly Business program.

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