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Forge Our Future

Endowment Fund Task Force Update

In January the Board formed a Forge Our Future Endowment Fund Policy Task Force with the charge to draft and recommend policy documents to create an Endowment to hold the monies raised by the Forge Our Future campaign.

These policies will define the purpose of the endowment and how to protect the principal, separate the funds from other First Church investments, set guidelines for withdrawals, and identify an investment vehicle and fund manager.

Since January, the task force has met twice and begun researching various options and best practices for setting up Endowments by contacting numerous foundations, religious and social organizations, potential outside counsel, and experts in the field.

Members of the task force are: Dave Becker (co-chair), Elizabeth Lentini (co-chair), George Bledsoe, Tom Briscoe, Ron Oshima, and Kathy Rivera.

We are honored to be given this charge and expect to complete the task within the next six months. We’ll be doing updates throughout the process.

David Becker, Co-chair

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