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How Do I Know I Belong?
February 9, 2025 | 9:00 am & 11:00 am

Today’s Topic:
New Member Ceremony today!
Finding belonging is a central hope when we explore any new community. We enter with questions that drive our search: Do my values align here? Can I be myself here? Can I connect with others? Will this be a home and safe harbor? Will this community help me grow? We can join a community, but it may take time to feel rooted in belonging. Join us this Sunday when we welcome our newest new members and explore many pathways of inclusion into belonging.
Worship Team:
Rev. Dena McPhetres, Associate Minister
Nancy Spransy, Worship Associate
Tristan Strelitzer, Choral Director with the Chancel Choir
Livestream at 9:00 am:
Join us for the complete service live on our YouTube site at 9:00 am. Find a recording of the service at our YouTube site anytime after 9:00 am.
Social Hour: Join us for coffee or tea in the Leenhouts Common Room after service to meet friends, old and new.
We offer religious education for children of all ages on Sundays. To learn more, please see our Religious Education Web Pages and sign up to receive our RE Weekly Update.
Parking: Our church has no parking lot. Jewish Family Services lot: JFS welcomes us to use their parking lot on Sundays. It is located 3 blocks west of the church, on Van Buren near Knapp St. Kingshead lot: On Sundays we can also use the gated parking lot on the corner of Van Buren and Knapp Streets. After you park, get a token from an usher in order to exit the lot. We also rely on street parking in our neighborhood. Here is a map with details.
First Unitarian Society of Milwaukee is a progressive church for spiritual community, social justice, and intellectual freedom. Visitors to First Church are always welcome!