The Road Not Traveled
The Road Not Traveled
Today’s Topic: We all have invitations we have turned down. What if we had said yes to that learning opportunity,...
Today’s Topic: We all have invitations we have turned down. What if we had said yes to that learning opportunity,...
Clarence Nicholas, President NAACP Milwaukee Branch. The NAACP Milwaukee Branch, launched in 1924, is one of the oldest branches in...
Did you know that on almost every fourth Sunday of each month (the fifth Sunday in September), right after the...
Gathering Waters Sangha First and third Wednesdays of the month, 6:30-8:00 p.m. Meet with us at church or via Zoom...
Join us on Wednesday mornings. Listen, respond and rest with the words of selected poets and in the company of...
Join us on most Thursdays in singing as we prepare to perform at Sunday services. The choir sings about once...
Our congregation is joining UUs across the land to revive our commitment to climate justice. October 5, 9:00 - 1:00...
Morter Lecture, SoulFolk, and Songversation Join the extraordinary Lea Morris for an interactive afternoon of wisdom and music, as she shares her...
Today’s Topic: Multigenerational Service. All of creation lies in the space between imagination and action. When we listen deeply to...
Dennis J. Conta, member of First Unitarian Society of Milwaukee. Mr. Conta will review the 2024 Presidential Election including issues...
Join us on Wednesday mornings. Listen, respond and rest with the words of selected poets and in the company of...
Join us on most Thursdays in singing as we prepare to perform at Sunday services. The choir sings about once...
Led by our ministers, staff and lay-leaders, this series explores Unitarian Universalist theology, history, principles, our social justice framework. It...
Please join folks from Earth Justice Ministry on Saturday October 12 from 10:30-noon at Kletzsch Park in Glendale, located along...
Today’s Topic: Silence can contain oceans. In the depth of silence we can discover truth, love, the holy. Deep listening...
Barbara Markoff, Milwaukee FCNL Advocacy Team Facilitator. The Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) is the oldest faith-based (Quaker) non-partisan...
Join us for a free screening of Bad River, a film that details the Bad River Tribe’s decades-long fight to...
Join us on Wednesday mornings. Listen, respond and rest with the words of selected poets and in the company of...
Gathering Waters Sangha First and third Wednesdays of the month, 6:30-8:00 p.m. Meet with us at church or via Zoom...
Join us on most Thursdays in singing as we prepare to perform at Sunday services. The choir sings about once...
Today’s Topic: What makes a conversation or a community safe? What do we need in our lives to feel safe...
Juliet Hill, First Church Member. Learn about Patrick Cudahy's son John, the father of Michael J. Cudahy. Cudahy attended Milwaukee...
Join us on Wednesday mornings. Listen, respond and rest with the words of selected poets and in the company of...
Join us on most Thursdays in singing as we prepare to perform at Sunday services. The choir sings about once...
Today’s Topic: Multi-Generational Service. In her poem “The Clearing,” Martha Postlethwaite suggests that when you don’t know what to do,...
Nick Ramos, Executive Director of Wis. Democracy Campaign. Wisconsin Democracy Campaign is one of the premier democracy organizations in Wisconsin....
Join us on Wednesday mornings. Listen, respond and rest with the words of selected poets and in the company of...
Saturday, November 2 (12:00-4:30 p.m.) & Sunday, November 3 (12:30-5:00 p.m.) Location: First Unitarian Society of Milwaukee Are you feeling...