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Forge Our Future

Exciting Forge Our Future Announcement

The First Church Board of Trustees has been thrilled to see the amazing work of the Forge Our Future campaign chairs, steering committee members and visitors.

It has been a powerful process of reconnecting with each other and with what we all love about First Church. Our thanks go out to all of the volunteers and members who have been involved in visits!

In 2017, the First Church community received an incredible unrestricted bequest of $850,000 from long-time member Lu Krug. In 2018, the Krug Gift Acceptance Team recommended that 20% of those funds, or $170,000, be dedicated to “long term needs.”

After an analysis of the church’s current overall financial position and in alignment with the recommendations of the Krug Gift Acceptance Team, in January 2023 First Church’s Board of Trustees voted unanimously to approve the transfer of $170,000 from the church’s unrestricted reserves to the Forge Our Future Endowment Fund.

The Endowment Fund is the perfect vehicle to fulfill past church leadership’s recommendation that these Krug bequest funds have a significant impact on our community for the long term.

We are supremely grateful for the generosity that our community has demonstrated through this campaign. Together, we are building a strong, vibrant future for First Church!

Ben LeFort, Congregation President

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