Learn about First Church Security and Community Care,  July 14 – 19.

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Personal & Spiritual Development, Membership

Forge Our Future – Just say “YES!”

During this month of year-end reflections and deep gratitude, numerous First Church volunteers will continue reaching out to every household in the church for a personal visit. Thank you to those of you who already have had a visit. The goal of the visit is two-fold, to deepen our connections with each other and to talk about the future needs and opportunities for First Church.

The visits are approximately one hour long, and you may choose an in-person or Zoom visit depending upon your preference. Click here to request a visit then select the Forge the Future team.

These visits have been very rewarding for everyone, and we sincerely look forward to visiting with you during this holiday season.

Mark Chambers & Holly Patzer
Forge Our Future Co-Chairs


Learn more about Forge Our Future at this web page.


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