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Generosity Creates Community-Annual Pledge Drive

Our Annual Pledge Drive kicks off in February and our 2024 Pledge Team invites you to reflect on what you value about our First Church community. While the answer to this question is probably as varied as our members, one way we all help create community is by financially supporting First Church.

Our annual pledges are our primary source of income to support essential church operations. Everything you love and value about First Church is sustained by pledges. This year our goal is to increase our annual pledge income by 10%. Our Forge Our Future campaign successfully built a principal protected endowment and we are so grateful for everyone’s generosity to that effort. The endowment’s profits provide an additional source of revenue for annual operations. Those profits, together with expense reductions, have enabled us to reduce our budget deficit by about 75%. Meeting our pledge goal will help us close the remaining gap and move us closer to our larger goal of becoming a pledge sustained community.

Our pledge drive will run from February 18 to March 10, and you will hear more from us in the coming weeks. Please consider increasing your pledge. Our collective generosity is what creates our First Church community. Every pledge matters and is gratefully received and deeply appreciated.

by Kathy Donius
Chair, Pledge Team

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