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Personal & Spiritual Development

Geography of Grace: An invitation to explore your inner geography

Geography of Grace is an adult spiritual development offering which invites you to explore your inner geography, to listen for your inner Teacher, and hear the wisdom of your own spirit. Just as many of us are removed from contact with the natural world through urban living or busy lives, we also live distanced from our inner nature. These two landscapes connect to and inform each other. 

Using the circle of trust approach developed through The Center for Courage and Renewal (based on the work of Dr. Parker J. Palmer) this small group program utilizes “third things,” such as poetry, stories, music, and art, to map a journey of metaphor, symbol, and intuition, opening new vistas in our inner landscape.   

In addition to the focus on geography, the other theme for this program is grace. The Latin word for grace is the same as the word for gratitude: grata or gratia, which means “a given gift.” This program is meant to help us gain (or regain) contact with our best selves, with those innate gifts we hope to offer the world. 

Enrollment in A Geography of Grace has a maximum of fourteen participants. The program will meet in person every third Saturday for 8 session beginning October 22 (subject to change.) More information about the registration will coming soon. 

Amy Wilbourne and Diane Horne, Facilitators of Geography of Grace 

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