Learn about First Church Security and Community Care,  July 14 – 19.

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Social Justice

Guest House Meal – Volunteer Opportunity on August 18

hearty meal


First Unitarian Society of Milwaukee will be providing and serving food for the evening meal at the Guest House Homeless Shelter for Men on Saturday, August 18. Would you like to help?

The Guest House of Milwaukee provides shelter to 86 men each night, and over 400 individuals each year. The support includes warm beds, friendly staff, and hot meals provided by community volunteers (like you!).

Please stop by the Social Justice table in the Common Room at First Church, after any coming Sunday service, to sign up to bring food or serve. Or email Jerry Fredrickson.

On that Saturday, plan to deliver food between 5:30–5:50 p.m. We begin serving at 6:00. People who serve will be there until 7 p.m.

The Guest House is located at 1216 N.13th St. (Click here for a map.)

On behalf of First Church, the Guest House, and the homeless men they serve . . . thank you!

Guest House Meal

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