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Personal & Spiritual Development

Coming this Fall – Theme Circles!

Circle of Hands

Many of you participated in Chalice Circles over the last 20-plus years. However, with participation in decline, we have decided it’s time for a change! We’re excited to explore the next step in the evolution of Small Group Ministry. This fall, we will launch Theme Circles, to retain the best of Chalice Circles while adding a deeper element.

Here is what some members of the planning team said about their trial experience:

“Theme Circles will be a natural evolution of Chalice Circles. . . . [with] access to extensive resources such as readings, films, music, art, books, TED talks, and YouTube videos on the month’s theme. Members can select the resources that interest them, which will be, of course, different for everyone. We will come together once a month for two hours, prepared to share and learn from each other . . . resulting in a more engaged and interconnected First Church community.”
– Robert Szymanski

“I like Theme Circles because I received an extensive list of resources several weeks in advance of the gathering and I could choose how much time I wanted to devote to the different choices. This brought the theme deeper personally and made hearing the Sunday sermons more meaningful.”
– Jeanne Durnford

“Theme Circles seems like the natural progression of the former Chalice Circle program into a potentially far deeper small group spiritual experience. Just reading these materials has “rent my soul” (if an atheist has a soul)! I had forgotten how powerful the benefits of the Chalice Circle program were for me; how meaningful and necessary to a balanced life.”
– Bronze Quinton

Here is a link to our Theme Circle website page for more information. Stay tuned!

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