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Personal & Spiritual Development

Rev. Jennifer Nordstrom Receives Final Fellowship

Rev. Jennifer Nordstrom at General Assembly, 2018

Congratulations to our Senior Minister, The Rev. Jennifer Nordstrom, on receiving her Final Fellowship status at our Unitarian Universalist General Assembly in Kansas City this June. The recognition came at the Service of the Living Tradition.

The photo shows Rev. Nordstrom at GA in the company of some of our other First Church delegates, posing with our church’s banner.

Although individual congregations in the UU denomination are essentially independent and can call anyone as their minister, credentialing a minister is done by the Unitarian Universalist Association, giving the assurance of quality that we all benefit from. The process is a long one of many years. Even after conferring preliminary fellowship, the UUA conducts another three years of evaluation before granting final fellowship. So this is a major milestone for Rev. Jennifer in her professional career!

You may be interested to know that credentialed ministers are evaluated on their skills in seven competencies.

  • Worship and Rites of Passage
  • Pastoral Care and Presence
  • Spiritual Development for Self and Others
  • Social Justice in the Public Square
  • Administration
  • Serves the larger Unitarian Universalist Faith
  • Leads the Faith into the Future

Congratulations to Rev. Jennifer for joining the ranks of our long tradition of gifted UU ministers, highly trained and dedicated professionals committed to “bringing about healing and wholeness” for the individuals and communities that they serve, whether that means inspiring the congregation with a Sunday sermon or participating in a social-justice demonstration on the streets of Milwaukee or the steps of the state capitol.

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