Learn about First Church Security and Community Care,  July 14 – 19.

Click HERE for details.

Heritage is full and complicated: we all have ancestors that have passed us beauty and pain, because all of our ancestors were human. We also inherit gifts and grief from our faith. There are long lineages of Unitarian and Universalist commitments to reason, liberation, justice, equity, and love. We also have painful episodes in our denominations’ histories that need be faced in order to be transformed. We are a people, which means our communities hold joy and struggle, and have inherited gifts and grief. Learning about all of it allows us to pass on a little more of the beauty to our descendants.

By now you’ve read the news that our beloved Lynne Jacoby is leaving her role as Membership Development Coordinator at the end of this month. We love Lynne and are so sad to see her go, but we also honor her choice to take care of herself. May we take the time to offer her our blessings on her journey. See Lynne’s Farewell article and Jennifer’s comments here.

As we move forward together as a community, we will keep learning about how to hold and heal with one another through life’s twists and turns. I am grateful to be traveling with you.

With love,
Rev. Jennifer Nordstrom, Senior Minister

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