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Social Justice, Membership

Important Business at General Assembly

graphic of chalice

June 21-25, In Pittsburgh, Virtual or Live

This year, two extremely important matters will be decided by delegates at General Assembly (GA), our national conference of UU congregations: election of our UUA President (see below), and debate plus a vote on the principles and purposes of our Association.

Many of us love what we call “The Seven Principles of Unitarian Universalism.” They are printed on the inside cover of our gray hymnal. Our UUA bylaws call for them to be evaluated periodically and a study commission has been working for several years. Ordinarily, discussion of bylaws does not get one’s blood boiling, but discussion of our principles and purposes can do that for some UUs. Drafts of the items to be voted on at GA will published this spring.

But GA is always rewarding and stimulating beyond these important business matters. GA also offers workshops, lectures, worship and witness opportunities. You can attend virtually or in person, as a delegate representing First Church or as an interested person.

First Church has funds to reimburse you for being a delegate at GA. We will pay the cost of virtual conference registration ($250 through Feb. 28) or will reimburse the equivalent if you attend in person. For info on GA, see: https://www.uua.org/ga


UUA President Candidate to Visit First Church

The President of our Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations (UUA) is an important position affecting all UU congregations across the country. The UUA President serves a six-year term and our current president, the Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray, ends her term at General Assembly this year. The Rev. Dr. Sofia Betancourt has been nominated for UUA President. She will be here as a guest in the pulpit on April 2 and we will try to arrange a time for her to speak to our congregation about her view of the job, its challenges and opportunities.

First Church gets 13 delegates to cast votes in this election. If you are interested in being named a delegate by our Board of Trustees, please contact Bruce Wiggins, Denominational Affairs Coordinator. You can vote electronically or in person by attending General Assembly in June.

Bruce Wiggins, Denominational Affairs Coordinator

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