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Social Justice

League of Women Voters—STP April

The League of Women Voters-Milwaukee County is our April Share the Plate recipient. The local chapter of the National League of Women Voters was established in 1920. Their mission is to encourage informed and active participation in government and influence public policy through education and advocacy.

As a nonpartisan political organization, the League does not support or oppose any political party or candidate. The League has two separate and distinct roles: voter’s service/citizen education and action/advocacy. Voter service/citizen education is primarily focused on providing unbiased, nonpartisan information about elections, the voting process, and issues. Action/advocacy is done through policy study and advocating particular policies in the public interest. Currently their priorities are working on health care reform, the environment, the Census and immigrations policies.

For more information or to get more involved, please visit their website at lwvmilwaukee.org. To donate directly to the League of Women Voters-Milwaukee County please select the “donate” button on their website.

See this web page for information about our Share the Plate Program.

Dawn Blackmore, Share the Plate Team

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