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Black Lives Matter

Local Black Lives Matter Events Coming in April and May

By Mary Devitt


UUCW Banner Blessing, April 10

UUCW is planning to bless their new Black Lives Matter banner at both services on Sunday, April 10 – 9:15 and 11, and to hang the banner and hold a public witness following the second service. They are inviting members of the other 4 collaboration congregations to celebrate with them, and to take part in the service. Because this is the day we are holding our farewell reception for Elaine, some of us are planning to make a brief appearance at the first service, followed by dashing back to First Church for our second service.

We are happy to welcome UUCW into the growing number of UU congregations who are taking this public stand. UUCW leaders have credited our joint Beyond the Banner workshop with putting them “over the top” as they built support for their congregational vote in support of Black Lives Matter at the end of January. If you would like to be part of our contingent at UUCW’s first or second service, please contact Mary Devitt at mldevitt@gmail.com, 414-702-1004.


Dontre Day, April 30

Our collaborative, BLM2WIUU (Black Lives Matter to Wisconsin UUs), will be participating in this celebration of Dontre Hamilton’s memory on the second  anniversary of his killing. The day will begin at noon, with a march to Red Arrow Park in downtown Milwaukee. The remainder of the event will include food, music, spoken word, speaking, and activities for children of all ages. UUs plan to host a table for children and families, which will include art activities (bubbles, hat-making, chalk, coloring) and educational materials. Please plan to attend. If you want to be part of planning or staffing the table, please contact Mary Devitt.

See Facebook  — Dontre Day! https://www.facebook.com/events/1531838573776049/ — for emerging details as planning progresses.


Follow-up Workshop – Beyond the Banner II: Talking the Talk, May

As a continuation of our effort to educate and engage our congregations on BLM, BLM2WIUU will hold a second workshop on a date in May to be determined. UUCW will host this gathering, which will provide for presentations and conversation aimed at decoding “BLM-speak” – all those new and newly nuanced terms and expressions which form the basis of discussion in this 21st century anti-racism work. As in our January workshop, a light meal and public witness will be part of the day. Please stay tuned for updates concerning date and time.

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