Learn about First Church Security and Community Care,  July 14 – 19.

Click HERE for details.

Dear First Church, 

Love is the ground of our faith as Unitarian Universalists: it is who we are at our core, and what we do when we’re at our best. It holds us in suffering, nourishes our spirits, and pushes us towards justice. 

Love is the basis of our national work to define who we are and is the foundational value of our four core values as a congregation. 

I have witnessed such love from all of you during our Forge Our Future campaign, which we will celebrate together in church on February 5, and as I prepare to go on sabbatical this month, with a farewell-for-now party after church on February 12. I look forward to seeing you there! 

I am so grateful for your generosity. You have expressed your love for this congregation through financial support and also through the opportunity for me to take some time away from the daily duties of ministry to re-fill the spiritual well and return to you refreshed. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. 

I look forward to returning to you in August and discovering how you have grown during our time apart, and sharing with you my own experiences of rest, reflection, and spiritual renewal. 

With love,
Rev. Jennifer Nordstrom, Senior Minister

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