Milwaukee Area Farmers Markets
Our Earth Justice Ministry at First Unitarian Society of Milwaukee is promoting September as a month to eat local – our “C’Mon Home To Eat” campaign.
Let’s all eat locally and consciously (as much as possible) during the month of September! The target area: a focus on consuming foods grown within 100 miles of Milwaukee.
Let’s celebrate local foods. Let’s stand up (or sit down and eat right!) for a healthy local food system. Avoid the mass-produced and gas-guzzling products packaged and shipped by the industrial food system.
Looking for a great place to start? Below is a wonderful directory of area Farmers Markets, to help you meet your “C’Mon Home To Eat” goals in September . . . and throughout the growing seasons ahead.
(And if you haven’t yet, sign up now for the September “C’mon Home To Eat” pledge.)
(For Milwaukee, Ozaukee, Racine/Kenosha/Walworth, Waukesha, and Washington counties)
Brown Deer Farmers Market. 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Wednesdays, June 13-Oct. 31. Marketplace Shopping Center, 9078 N. Green Bay Road (in front of Burlington Coat Factory). Becky Nelson, (414) 354-4117, becky@bdtaxman.com.
Cathedral Square Market. 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Saturdays, June 2-Oct. 6 (no market July 14). Cathedral Square Park, 520 E. Wells St. East Town Association, Emily McElwee, (414) 271-1416, emcelwee@easttown.com.
Enderis Park Farmers Market. 9:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Sundays, June 17-Sept. 30. Enderis Park, between Chambers and Locust and 70th and 72nd streets. Sarah Murray and Kim Wellhoefer, enderisparkfarmersmarket@gmail.com.
Fondy Farmers Market. May 12-June 9, Saturdays only, 9 a.m.-noon; June 16-Oct. 27, market open 4 days/week: Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.; and Saturdays, 7 a.m.-3 p.m. Open thereafter Saturdays only (Nov. 3 and 10). 2200 W. Fond du Lac Ave. Katie Hassemer, (414) 933-8121, khassemer@fondymarket.org.
Fondy Market at Schlitz Park. 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Tuesdays, July 10-Oct. 2. 1555 N. Rivercenter Drive. Katie Hassemer, (414) 939-8840, khassemer@fondymarket.org.
Fox Point Farmers Market. 8 a.m.-noon Saturdays, June 16-Oct. 13. In the parking lot of North Shore Congregational Church, 7330 N. Santa Monica Blvd. (new location). Mary LaCharite, (414) 352-0555, fpfm2003@wi.rr.com.
Garden District Farmers Market. 1-5 p.m. Saturdays, June 9-Oct. 20. Adjacent to the Garden District’s community gardens at S. 6th St. and Howard Ave. Jenn Turner, (414) 212-5215, market@milwaukeegdna.com.
Greendale Downtown Market. 8 a.m.-noon Saturdays, June 23 through Oct. 6. Broad Street-Village Center, between Northway and Schoolway. Jackie Schweitzer, (414) 423-2790, park.rec@greendale.k12.wi.us.
Greenfield Farmers Market. 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Sundays, May 6-Oct. 28 (except May 27). Konkel Park, 5151 W. Layton Ave. (414) 329-5275, farmersmarket@greenfield.wi.us.
Groundwork’s Young Farmers — Farm Stand. 1-3 p.m. Tuesdays, July 10-Aug. 7, 2463 N. Buffum St.; 3-5 p.m. Wednesdays, July 9-Sept. 12, 2815 W. Wright St.; 2-4 p.m. Thursdays, July 12-Aug. 9, 3000 N. Sherman Blvd. (at Burleigh St., entrance on Burleigh near tennis courts). alexander@groundworkmke.org
Hartung Park Farmers Market. 4-7 p.m. Wednesdays, June 27-Sept. 26. Hartung Park near intersection of Menomonee River Parkway and Keefe Ave., Wauwatosa/Milwaukee. Mary Richter, (262) 825-4049, hartungparkfarmersmarket@gmail.com.
Jackson Park Farmers Market. 3:30-7 p.m. Thursdays, June 14-Sept. 27. Jackson Park, 3500 W. Forest Home Ave., adjacent to the boat house, just north of the pond. (414) 687-0938, jpfarmersmarket@yahoo.com.
Near West Side Farmers Market. 3-6 p.m. Thursdays, June 21-Sept. 20. 20th St. and Kilbourn Ave., in the MCFI parking lot. Lindsey St. Arnold Bell, (414) 933-0640, associate@nearwestsidepartners.org.
Oak Creek Farmers Market. 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturdays, June 2-Oct. 20. Drexel Town Square, 361 W. Town Square Way. Dawn Carillo, (262) 202-3774, dcarrillo@oakcreekwi.org.
Outdoor Urban Market of the Milwaukee Public Market. 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturdays, June 2-Sept. 1. E. St. Paul Ave. and Broadway. Free 1-hour parking in Public Market lot with validation of a purchase. (414) 336-1111.
Riverwest Gardeners Market. 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Sundays, June 3-Oct. 21 (no market June 10). Garden Park, 821 E. Locust St. Emma DeBord and Laura Stevens, info@riverwestmarket.com.
Shorewood Farmers Market. 9:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Sundays, June 17-Oct. 28. Lake Bluff Elementary School, 1600 E. Lake Bluff Blvd. Tia Torhorst, info@shorewoodfarmersmarket.com.
South Milwaukee Downtown Market. 3-7 p.m. Thursdays, May 31-Oct. 11. S. 11th Ave. and Milwaukee Ave. Tony Bloom, (414) 499-1568, candyman53172@gmail.com.
South Shore Farmers Market. 8 a.m.-noon Saturdays, June 16-Oct. 13. South Shore Park, 2900 S. Shore Drive.
Tosa Farmers Market. 8 a.m.-noon Saturdays, June 2-Oct. 13. City parking lot near Little Red Store, 7720 Harwood Ave. Bekah Johnson, (414) 301-2526, tosamarket@gmail.com.
Walker Square Farmers Market. 7 a.m.-3 p.m. Sundays and Thursdays, second to third week of June to Oct. 28 (dependent on produce availability). Walker Square Park, S. 9th and W. Washington streets. (414) 366-0705.
West Allis Farmers Market. Noon-6 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1-6 p.m. Saturdays, May 5-Nov. 24. 6501 W. National Ave. (414) 302-8600.
Westown Farmers Market. 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Wednesdays, June 6-Oct. 31. Zeidler Union Square, 301 W. Michigan St. Westown Association, (414) 276-6696, Katelyn Kluft, katelyn@westown.org.
Whitefish Bay Farmers Market. 8 a.m.-noon Saturdays, July 7-Oct. 27. 325 E. Silver Spring Drive (Aurora parking lot, at Santa Monica Blvd.). Katie, (414) 406-5660, wfbbid@gmail.com.
Cedarburg Makers & Growers Market. 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Fridays, June 8-Oct. 12. Cedarburg Cultural Center parking lot on the corner of Mill St. and Washington Ave. Kristen at katbeads9@hotmail.com. (262) 388-0738.
Village of Fredonia Farmers Market. 2-6 p.m. Wednesdays, May 30-Oct. 31. Fredonia Government Center, 242 Fredonia Ave. (262) 692-9125.
Grafton Farmers Market. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Thursdays, July 12-Sept. 27. Veterans Memorial Park, Highway 60 and 13th Ave., Grafton, (262) 377-1650, lisa@grafton-wi.org
Port Washington Farmers Market. 8 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Saturdays, June 2-Oct. 27 (except July 21). 100 block of E. Main St. director@visitportwashington.com (262) 268-1132.
Saukville Farmers Market. 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Sundays, June 24-Oct. 28 (except Sept. 2). Veterans Park, Highway 33, S. Mill St. and S. Main St. (262) 284-9423.
Thiensville Village Farmers Market. 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Tuesdays, June 12-Oct. 16. Village Park, 250 Elm St. (414) 241-1013, ThiensvilleFM@gmail.com.
Burlington Farmers Market. 3-7 p.m. Thursdays, May 3-Oct. 25. Wehmhoff Square, corner of Washington and Pine streets. Carol Reed, (262) 210-6360, burlingtonmarket@yahoo.com.
East Troy Farmers Market. 2-6 p.m. Fridays, May 25-Oct. 5. East Troy Village Square Park, 2881 Main St. Vanessa Lenz, (262) 642-3770, vanessa@easttroy.org.
Elkhorn Farm Market. 8 a.m.-12:30 p.m., Saturdays, June 9-Sept.29. Courthouse Square, Elkhorn. Christy Harteau, (262) 723-7733, elkhornfarmmarket@gmail.com.
Kenosha HarborMarket. 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturdays, May 12-Oct. 13. Rhode Center for the Arts, 514 56th St. Ray Forgianni, (262) 914- 1252, ray@kenoshacommonmarkets.com.
Lake Geneva Farmers Market. 8 a.m.-1 p.m. Thursdays, May 3-Oct. 25. Horticultural Hall, 330 Broad St. (262) 248-4382, market@horticulturalhall.com.
Milaeger’s Great Lakes Farmers Market. 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Sundays year-round (except Easter and other major holidays). 4838 Douglas Ave., Racine. Carol Reed, (262) 210-6360, farmersmarket@milaegers.com.
Racine Farmers Market. 8 a.m.-noon Saturdays, May 12-Oct. 27; also 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Wednesdays, May 30-Oct. 24. Southwest corner of Washington Ave. and West Blvd. Luanne Gall, (262) 930-6191.
Sturtevant Farmers Market. 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Mondays, June 4-25; 9 a.m.-1 p.m. July 2 until November. Fountain Banquet Hall, 8505 Durand Ave. (262) 583-1696, mancavetractortown@gmail.com.
Whitewater City Market. 3:30-7:30 p.m. Tuesdays, May 1-Oct. 30. Near the Historic Train Depot, 301 W. Whitewater St.
Brookfield Farmers Market. 7:30 a.m.-noon Saturdays, May 5-Oct. 27. Civic Plaza, 2000 N. Calhoun Road. Bobbi Harvey, (262) 784-7804, info@brookfieldfarmersmarket.com.
Butler Farmers Market. Noon-6 p.m. Mondays, May 7-Oct. 29. 12700 W. Hampton Ave., Don Dussault, (414) 541-0089, dussaultdon33@yahoo.com.
Delafield Farmers Market. 8 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturdays, May 19-Oct. 20. In city parking lot at Main St. and Highway C. info@delafieldfarmersmarket.com.
Dousman Farmers Market. 2-6 p.m. Wednesdays, May 2-Oct. 17 (closed July 4). Dousman Village Hall parking lot, 118 S. Main St. (across from the fire station near the ball diamond). Judy Engel, (262) 968-4566, dousmanmarket@gmail.com.
Elm Grove Village Market Night. 5-8 p.m. Wednesdays, July 11-Aug. 29. 13230 Watertown Plank Road, Elm Grove (parking lot of Ray’s Auto Service). Beth Sadowski, wildsidesalonspa@gmail.com, (262) 784-9453.
Menomonee Falls Farmers Market. 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Wednesdays, May 2-Oct. 31 (Sunday market discontinued). New location: Mill Street Parking lot on Mill St. behind AJ O’Brady’s (corner of Main St. & Mill St.) Barb Watters, (262) 251-8797, vcmenfalls@wi.rr.com.
Mukwonago Area Farmers Market. 2-6 p.m. Wednesdays, May 16-Oct. 10 (closed July 4). Field Park on corner of Hwy. 83 & NN. (262) 363-7758, mukwonagofarmersmarket@gmail.com.
New Berlin Farmers Market. 8 a.m.-noon Saturdays, May 5-Oct. 27. 16300 W. National Ave. (corner of National Ave. and Michele Witmer Drive) Emily Blend, (262) 786-5280, nbfarmersmkt@gmail.com.
Oconomowoc Farmers Market. 8 a.m.-noon Saturdays, May 5-Oct. 27 (except Aug. 11). First Bank Financial Centre parking lot, 155 W. Wisconsin Ave. (262) 567-2666, joellen@oconomowoc.org.
Pewaukee Farmers Market. 3:30-7 p.m. Wednesdays, June 13-Aug. 29. Christ Lutheran Church, W240-N3103 Pewaukee Road. info@pewaukeechamber.org.
Sussex Farmers Market. 9:30 a.m-1 p.m. Sundays, June 3-Oct. 14. Sussex Civic Center Campus, N64-W23760 Main St. (262) 246-5200, sussexfarmersmarket@gmail.com.
Waukesha Farmers Market. 8 a.m.-noon Saturdays, May 5-Oct. 27. On the corner of St. Paul Ave. and Madison St., along the north side of the Fox River. (262) 547-2354, info@waukeshafarmersmarket.com. 125 W. St. Paul Ave.
Downtown West Bend Farmers Market. 7:30-11 a.m. Saturdays, May 19-Oct. 27. Old Settlers Park on Main St. Downtown, (262) 338-3909, Anna Jensen, anna@downtownwestbend.com.
Germantown Farmers Market. 8 a.m.-noon Saturdays, May 5-Oct. 27. Germantown Village Hall parking lot, N112-W17001 Mequon Road. (262) 250-4710, parkrec@village.germantown.wi.us.
Hartford Farmers Market. Saturday market: 7 a.m.-noon, May 19-Oct. 27. Parking lot of the Hartford Recreation Center & Schauer Arts Center (Jordan Park), 125 N. Rural St. Wednesday night market: 4:30-7:30 p.m., June 6-Sept. 26 (except July 4). Parking lot of the Jack Russell Memorial Library, 100 Park Ave., Hartford. Hartford Area Chamber of Commerce, (262) 673-7002, info@hartfordchamber.org.