This meeting is mandatory for all parents and children who what to participate in Our Whole Lives (OWL) for 4-6th graders. At this orientation and interactive meeting our OWL facilitators and Rev. Kimberlee will meet with parents and children separately and then together. It is an opportunity for parents to reflect on their own sexual knowledge, familiarize themselves with the OWL curriculum and resources and gain an understanding of the cooperation between the OWL program and home.
OWL classes for 4-6th graders will be held every Sunday, January 5-March 9, 2025, during first service from 9:15-10:30 a.m. Families must be members of the church to participate, no exceptions.
The OWL program uses core curriculum and depends on regular attendance of participants, so please plan on having your child attend all 10 sessions. Parents and Caregivers will be responsible for signing up to bring snacks and purchase the book It’s Perfectly Normal for $15.00. RSVP required to Rev. Kimberlee if you plan on attending the meeting.