Learn about First Church Security and Community Care,  July 14 – 19.

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Rev. Dena McPhetres

From Rev. Dena McPhetres

You may have received a “Wellness Check-In” phone call from one of our Pastoral Care Associates (PCAs) over the last few weeks, if you are a church member in one of the high risk categories for COVID-19. We are reaching out to see how you are doing, what your worries are, and if you need anything. We hope to keep our fabric of community strong, and prevent anyone from feeling disconnected.

I’d like to give a huge thank you to our team of PCAs. We invited ten former PCAs to join our current team of ten, so we have twenty PCAs making these wellness calls. A big shout out to Jane Peterson, our PCA Coordinator, who is organizing and keeping track of these calls. In just a couple of weeks, our team made contact with 131 church members.

If you would like to talk to a PCA on the telephone, please contact our Pastoral Care Associate Coordinator Jane Peterson at fuspastoralcare@gmail.com or 414-967-1471. If you’d like to talk to Rev. Dena or Rev. Jennifer, please call our Pastoral Care Emergency line at 414-216-3113, as this is the quickest way to reach us, even if you are not in an emergency.

I’d also like to give a big thank you to Jane Dorweiler, our Pastoral Care Provider Coordinator, who quickly adapted our system for practical help. Several members under 40 from the UUUFDA group volunteered to be Providers, so our older members can stay home. Thank you!

If you are among the folks most vulnerable to this virus and need practical help, such as grocery shopping and delivery, or a ride to the doctor unrelated to coronavirus, please contact Jane Dorweiler, our Pastoral Care Provider Coordinator at fuspcprovider@gmail.com or 414-839-3053.

If you have concerns about personal financial resources for medical supplies, medical care or missing work, please contact Rev. Jennifer to ask about the Ministers’ Discretionary Fund.

If you have tested positive for COVID-19, please contact Rev. Dena immediately on our Pastoral Emergency Line at 414-216-3113, so she can support you and our community. As the virus spreads in our interconnected city, we have church members who came in contact with someone who tested positive, church members with symptoms, and some getting tested. It’s already happening and it’s OK. We are here for one another.

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