Learn about First Church Security and Community Care,  July 14 – 19.

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Preparing to Welcome, Join Us

The Membership Team, like most of us, cannot wait to return to in-person church. And we are also aware that when we do, we are likely to have a unique opportunity to introduce First Church to more people than ever. People looking for community in a different way. People coming out of the pandemic seeking connection and meaning.

Many of us can relate. Maybe we walked into First Church for the first time seeking the same. Perhaps nervous, or excited, or just curious “could this community really be for me?” and willing to embrace the possibility of “yes!”

We know we have a lot to offer these people. We want to welcome them generously.

If you can remember the first person who spoke to you as an individual at First Church, or helped you feel seen, we need you on the front lines of our Welcome Team! Because you know what it feels like to be welcomed.

Ushers, Greeters, Membership Desk Coverage, Visitor Coffee Hosts —we are recruiting all of these for just one service a month and the only prerequisite is knowing what it feels like to be welcomed, and the generosity to want to pay it forward.

Please email Lynne Jacoby if you would like to join us in preparing Welcome! We will find a place for you.

Lynne Jacoby
Membership Development Coordinator

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