Learn about First Church Security and Community Care,  July 14 – 19.

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Social Justice

Share the Plate May-Guest House of Mke

The children of our congregation have selected Guest House of Milwaukee as the Share the Plate partner for May.

For forty years the Guest House of Milwaukee has provided shelter, housing, education, and services to Milwaukee’s homeless who seek to transform their lives with dignity and purpose.

Guest House serves over 1,200 individuals and families on an annual basis and has a proven track record of assisting even those with the most severe challenges to overcoming homelessness regain and maintain their independence, including: mental illness, addiction, physical and cognitive disabilities, and history with the criminal justice system.

As a part of those programs, 86 men are provided with shelter and meals every night of the year, 600 pounds of fresh produce is harvested from their community garden, and they provide 450 interim and permanent supportive housing options throughout the city.

Guest House continues to be a model of innovation in addressing the root causes of chronic homelessness and providing the comprehensive services necessary to overcome it.

Contribute securely online at this link or mail or bring your check to First Church made payable to “Guest House.” We’ll forward your contribution to the Guest House.

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