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Social Justice

Share the Plate Oct – Forward Scholars

Our October Share the Plate partner is Common Ground’s Forward Scholars program.

In listening sessions with the Milwaukee community, CG uncovered significant need for more instructional support for MPS kindergarten through third grade students.

Pandemic-induced learning loss and isolation has increased the need for 1 on 1 intervention. The ability to read by the end of third grade is critical to a child’s success in school and life.

Forward Scholars was initiated to address this urgent issue. It provides a research-based curriculum that has proven effective in urban environments using volunteer tutors.

Structured, individualized lesson plans when combined with collaborative efforts of site coordinators, MPS staff, families, and tutors help ensure success for every child enrolled in the program. You can learn more about the Forward Scholars program and ways you can help at website https://www.commongroundwi.org/forward-scholars.

Your generous financial support will help purchase copy machines/printers for each school site, tee shirts for volunteer tutors, and program materials (word workbooks, book bins, and associated handling/shipping costs).  It will also help cover costs for site coordinators to perform one-to-one assessments with students.

Thank you for helping these kindergarten through third grade children grow as literacy learns.

Contribute securely online at this link or mail or bring your check to First Church made payable to “Common Ground” with “Forward Scholars” in the memo line.  We’ll forward all your contributions to the Forward Scholars program.

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