Learn about First Church Security and Community Care,  July 14 – 19.

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Social Justice

Share the Plate – Pathfinders

Every spring, our Religious Education Program youth members choose an organization to receive Share the Plate donations. Pathfinders, an organization that serves approximately 7000 youth annually, was voted to be our March Share the Plate recipient. Their mission, “Empowering youth in crisis to make positive choices” is carried out through a wide variety of programming from providing temporary shelter for the homeless, service centers for homeless and runaway youth, counseling programs for the sexually abused and assaulted, and other mental health crisis interventions.

Since the mid-1970s, Pathfinders has been providing support and care for low-income people with mental health needs. Since then, they expanded by providing a youth shelter for homeless and runaway youth, counseling for youth in crisis. Today they are committing to broaden services for youth experiencing sexual exploitation and trafficking as well as housing for youth aging out of the foster care system. To learn more visit www.pathfindersmke.org.

Cash collected in the plate will be shared 50/50 between Pathfinders and First Church. To donate only to Pathfinders, please write a check directly to Pathfinders and we will mail it for you.

Parents and guardians, please talk with your children how even small donations help.

Here is more information on our weekly giving program, Share the Plate.

The First Unitarian Society of Milwaukee is a progressive church for spiritual community, social justice, and intellectual freedom. Visit us for Sunday services, forums, religious education for children & youth, and other programs and social activities. Visitors to First Church are always welcome! Join us for coffee and conversation in the Common Room following each service.

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