Learn about First Church Security and Community Care,  July 14 – 19.

Click HERE for details.

Alissa Rhode, Lead Music Director

Alissa Rhode, Lead Music Director.

As I consider our November theme of healing, I am reminded of what may arguably be our most primal natural healing modality: singing.

Quite simply, singing is good for you – mentally, physically, and spiritually. Singing is a mood enhancer and stress reducer. It can relax the muscles and alleviate anxiety. Studies have shown that the act of singing releases endorphins, oxytocin, even Immunoglobulin A in the body. I imagine you have felt the benefits at some time – whether while singing in the shower, belting out your favorite song on the radio, or lifting your voice to merge with the congregation in our beloved sanctuary. I know we all miss those amazing acoustics, but I do encourage you to keep singing whenever you are so moved.

Since the church has shifted online, you’ve probably noticed that we still include hymns, often with lyrics on screen. Remember, you are always invited to sing along just as loud or as liltingly as your heart desires. Or, listen and let the music wash over you if that is what feeds your soul in the moment. There is no right or wrong way to connect with music during services. Just follow your bliss and know that even if it seems strange to sing a hymn by yourself, it is good for you – evening healing – to do so.

While the virus aerosols involved prevent us from physically singing together at this time, we still have a wonderful communal singing opportunity coming our way this month. I invite you to join us online to experience the healing power of song Thursday, November 12 at 7:00 p.m. with our singing shaman, vocal activist Melanie DeMore.

Raise your voice and raise your spirit! Be well, friends.

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