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Personal & Spiritual Development

Stewardship Moment: Time, Talent, and Treasure

By Tony Panciera, Stewardship Council Chair

December always brings familiar memories – snow, holidays, family, food, and gifts to name a few. During the past month, I have been reflecting a lot on my own life and the abundance of gifts within it. In Stewardship, we often consider gifts through lenses of time, talent, and treasure. This holiday season, I encourage you to think reflectively about how you are giving of yourself and your gifts, not just in our congregation and community, but in all the places you travel and interact.

  • Time:

    How are you utilizing both the time you have, but also the time you give to others?

  • Talent:

    How are you fostering your talents and devoting energy to develop them, while also passing along that talent either directly or indirectly, via expertise and wisdom?

  • Treasure:

    How are you giving of your resources, whatever form they take, in a way that brings both you and the recipients joy?

These are big, open-ended questions without clear answers. My hope for this month, our church’s future, and my own growth is that we each become more intentional with the abundance in our lives and give of ourselves towards our hopes and dreams for this special place with continued generosity and joy.

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